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[Menu] Hello, I'm pleased to present a tool that isn't very useful, but can be interesting to use on a daily basis. Box.sh a tool to view more public utility websites using curl so you can access this content just open your terminal and type: bezumiya@x00r:~$ curl -sLk bezumiya.city/box.txt | bash so there will be a text about some tools and stuff, some of which may be useful, and others not so much, I intend to one day do a text about the TUI tools that I use on a day-to-day basis. these tools include my website, bezu.txt, which is a project I'm doing to transform all my texts into really pure text that can be accessed by a terminal in a practical way :3 I've thought about creating a gopherhole, but I'm still a bit short on stability and a few other things to make it a reality, but this is a more practical way, I presume, than having to use a browser. that supports the ghoper protocol and learn how to use it... this summary is being directed only to the bezu.txt which is the script I'm looking after the most at the moment and the one I'll probably update the most. Well let's get started, to call it you just need to type this into your terminal: bezumiya@x00r:~$ curl bezumiya.city/bezu.txt | bash a screen will appear showing the texts that are available, both in Portuguese and English :D my script works on the basis of variables set in the terminal, the variable p means the page while the br means whether it will be in Portuguese. to use it in the right way, I'll give you some examples: ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ [Select text 1 in en-us] bezumiya@x00r:~$ curl -sLk bezumiya.city/bezu.txt | p=1 bash [Select text 2 in pt-br] bezumiya@x00r:~$ curl -sLk bezumiya.city/bezu.txt | br=True p=2 bash └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ I think by understanding it this way you'll understand how it works to select texts and the like... the text is just that, a simple summary of how to use my simple script :D i did this so that i could finally open up the pr0jects area and open up more and more things on my site, little by little i'm going to finish it. if you *really* like my code, and the project, consider giving it a star on my github that I left above and in the text entry, thanks and see you!