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						  "Be free, you have the right to whisper"

Hello, It's been a while since I've written anything for this blog, I've been doing things and taking part in activities to show freedom to other people, and to show that they do have the right to speak
to be free! recently with the events that happened in brazil, i, motivated by the riseup collective, made this article to show you that it's easy and that you don't have to surrender, that you don't have to obey
the censorship that happens in your country, everyone has the right to speak their mind about everything, we can't be silenced...

With this, I'm going to show you some tips and tutorials on how to be free and anonymous.
Maybe this will become a series with each text talking about things involving privacy, such as chats, pgp, messenger, self hosted, etc etc.

[0x1] Why be anonymous?

Imagine knowing that you can't talk about party x or person y without being oppressed or hunted down? This is what happens in many countries: for companies, your data is worth your life.
Companies like your data so they can use it to do whatever they want, your deepest secrets that you've already shared online, do you really think that was passed on to a group of only people who were in that group?
Chatting on social networks run by big techs is like having a kid who spills all your secrets, without you knowing, and he still makes money selling it to other companies who will do whatever they want with it.
For some, the results of selling your data are delivered in the form of commercials and advertisements strategically designed for you, while for others they materialize in the form of government agents knocking on your door.

in some countries the daily struggle to speak your mind is arduous and difficult, imagine living in a country where you're on an intranet? with no connectivity to other places, living with the lies that are thrown at you.
and you have to live with it because you have no way of validating the information, you just have to accept that you're living with it and go along with it.

But imagine just to be able to speak your mind, to have the most basic right which is freedom of expression, to speak your ideas, your thoughts, without being censored. this is possible, at first it may be difficult, and you may think that
“that's too radical” or ‘I don't need that’, it's not for those who need it, it's for those who want it. those who want to fight censorship and have a life free of barriers.

That said, let's get started, I hope you enjoy this series of articles, and a big thank you to riseup.net without you I wouldn't be here, posting this with the confidence I have today!

[0x2] Illegal freedom.

Illegal freedom is what I like to call the things that happen nowadays, there are laws that prohibit you from doing things that for some countries are common and basic! like using a vpn, or speaking your mind on social networks
These things, which I think are basic rights, are something that for many governments are things that break the law and its rules, but privacy for me is everyone's right, whether human or Martian.
there are many groups that fight for privacy, teaching and showing people how to stop the centralization of data and the bigtechs that use your data and sell it I want to provide just that, manuals and tips
so that you can be free and safe to speak your mind, for free!

[0x3] How do I get started?

Well to be anonymous, you have to have a strong OpSec, Opsec is (Operations security) this is not original from the internet but from war times, this is basically rules to maintain your anonymity, physical
in the real world you wouldn't say where your base is or speak your name and communicate by pseudonyms, on the internet it's almost like that, you don't reveal where your house is or speak your real name
but on the internet it goes further, as you have to be careful about who you talk to, where you talk to them and how you talk to them.
this is something that has to be taken seriously, it's like you've committed a crime, you don't go around telling everyone about it, trust is something you don't give to everyone.

This text is an introduction, I want to show you in detail each of the methods I use to remain anonymous and teach you how to use them...
